Welding Technology
Our students will learn about different methods of welding and the type of machines or equipment are used in the welding. These methods can be the metal material that will be welded or cut, the joining of welding metal and base metal or tool used in gas cutting to control the gasses that are used for preheating and cutting metal.
Students use a constant source of alternating or direct current to produce a high energy weld. You will learn about the Arc Welding methods which can be applied to heavy metals and are ideal for repair works and fabrication of steel structures.The equipment in this method requires a constant voltage and is the most common industrial welding process which includes plate and large bore pipe.
Cost Estimated Costs for 2023-2024, is $4,458 per trimester and it does not include the laptop, food and the living expenses. Changes in the number of credits carried will affect these figures for the students who are under the articulation agreement or transferred students who may be required to more courses.


- Welding Technician Program