Philadelphia Institute of Science and Technology


Senior Citizen

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Waiver Students Residents of Philadelphia who are 55 years of age or older are eligible to enroll tuition free in courses at PHILLY-TECH on a space available basis. Courses That involve external agencies or individualized instruction are excluded. A senior citizen student who enrolls tuition free may elect to audit courses for personal enrichment only or to enroll in courses for credit.

All senior citizen students must pay application fees, Instructional and Technology Fees, Campus Safety Fee, Parking/Facilities Fee, Registration Fees, Insurance Fee, Health and Wellness Fees, and Activity Fees if applicable. Senior citizen students with tuition waiver will be enrolled on a space available basis only during the Drop or Add period of each semester.

By applying and registering as an auditor and paying all tuition and fees.

            Students are permitted to audit most courses and to attend classes without meeting all requirements of the course and without receiving credit with exceptions to off-campus clinical courses and courses with additional admission requirements. Students are not permitted to change from audit to credit; however, with the permission of the instructor, students who are in good standing may change from credit to audit by mid-point of the semester.