Philadelphia Institute of Science and Technology

Academic Policy

General Information

The purpose of the Academic Affairs Unit of PHILLY-TECH is to support the college’s mission to:

• Deliver high quality, relevant instruction.
• Ensure appropriate student learning outcomes.
• Prepare graduates to function competently in the work environment.
• Assess and enhance both instructional delivery and student learning outcomes.
• Use outcome data for continuous improvement.

PHILLY-TECH’s learning resource centers are committed to improve the community’s economic growth by preparing learners for employment through science and technological application of education. This educational process provides students with knowledge, occupational skills, and lifelong learning skills to prepare them for success in an ever changing work environment.

It is the mission of the Learning Resource Centers to support the information needs of its students and the teaching and research activities of the school’s faculty and administrators.

The students at other locations may access the library resources electronically, by appointment at their location, or by visiting one of their existing library facilities. Access is provided to print and non-print items and periodical titles. Services include study areas, group study rooms, photocopy machines, intercampus loan, and point of use instruction.
Computers are equipped with Library Learning Online, instructional software, and Internet access. And services are available at the school.

Students may be granted credit for subjects they have previously mastered in order to pursue more advanced courses. Recognized programs include CLEP, AP, International Baccalaureate Credit, Credit for Experiential Learning, Certified Professional Secretary (CPS) Exam, and selected student exams.

CLEP and AP Exams A student may earn up to 23 hours toward graduation in courses appropriate to the student’s major through credit by examination on the basis of College Level Examination Program (CLEP) scores, scores earned under the Advanced PlacementProgram(AP) of the College Board, and approved departmental examinations. To earn CLEP credits for courses, a student must earn a score of fifty (50) or above.

International Baccalaureate Examination. The IB Examinations are offered by the International Baccalaureate Examination Board. Full credit hour fees are charged for each exam administered. Credit for Experiential Learning Credit for experiential learning may be awarded for knowledge and skills obtained independent of formal classroom or laboratory instruction.

Assessment of experiential learning is dependent upon the nature of credit desired, is determined by the faculty advisor, and is subject to approval by the Academic Dean. Full credit hour fees are charged for each exam administered. Students should consult with their faculty advisor for specific procedures regarding Credit for Experiential Learning.
Certified Professional Secretary (CPS) Exam a student may receive credit for selected courses on the basis of acceptable scores on the Certified Professional Secretaries (CPS) exam. Contact the Office of the Registrar for more information. School Exemption Exams a student may earn credit in certain courses on the basis of acceptable scores on departmental examinations. Academic departments may, on an optional basis, establish and administer approved examinations for courses that are listed as prerequisites to other courses.

When a student passes such an examination, it is reported to the Office of the Registrar on the examination credit form by the Academic Dean or advisor. The Registrar will record the course on the student’s record showing the course number and title and indicate that it was credited by examination. Inquiries concerning available program exams should be directed to the faculty advisor.

Students who pass the exam will have their credits recorded on their transcript. No record is made for students who do not pass program exams. The fee for academic credit by examination is 20% of the cost of tuition for the course. Credit earned by examination is not intended for transfer.

The semester hour is the unit of credit representing one hour of class work per week for one semester or its equivalent in other forms of instruction. Two or sometimes three hours of laboratory work are considered as equivalent to one hour of class work. Continuing Education Unit (CEU) credits are awarded for completion of Continuing Education courses and are subject to the same grading system as academic credit courses.

Continuing Education course grades do not average with regular credit courses in computing grade point averages. PHILLY-TECH maintains a permanent record for each participant indicating the course(s), grade(s), and CEU credit(s) earned. Regular and punctual attendance at all scheduled classes is an essential aspect of student success.

Students will be expected to complete all work required by the instructor as described in each course syllabus. Students who stop participating in class, but do not formally withdraw, may receive a grade of F and face financial aid repercussions in upcoming semesters. Students will not be withdrawn by an instructor for attendance; however, all instructors will keep records of graded assignments and student participation in course activities.

The dates of these activities may be used to determine a student’s last date of participation in the event a student withdraws, stops attending, or receives an F in a course. For the classes in the programs listed below, requirements for instructional hours or clock hours reflect the singular or combined rules of respective licensing boards, state legal requirements, accrediting, or other external parties.

All attendance requirements for these classes are listed in the syllabus, specifying the attendance requirement and any provisions for make-up work in the classroom or during clinical experiences, students may withdraw from courses up until the final week of classes.

A student cannot withdraw from a course during the final week of the term. Students who want or need to withdraw from classes for any reason must do so online or in-person. Students who neglect to withdraw from a course will receive their calculated grade incorporating zeros or failing grades.

Grade Point Average Determination of academic standing is generally based upon a grade point average GPA that appears on the student’s permanent record.

Credits earned in other institutions, credit by examination, and other courses where symbols are assigned are not used in calculating the cumulative GPA. All courses and grades earned at PHILLY-TECH are calculated into a student’s cumulative grade point average GPA.

Grade: A B C D F WF Points: 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 Forfeiture of Credit By registering for a course for which the student has already received credit at PHILLY-TECH, a student forfeits the previous credit in that course for graduation purposes. The student’s official grade in the course will be the one earned on repetition.

Although both grades remain on the record and are part of the cumulative grade point average, only the final attempt will be calculated for the purpose of graduation requirements. Full-time Student Status a degree, diploma, or certificate student who is registered for at least 12-semester credit hours is considered to be a full-time student. CEU credit hours are not included in the student load calculation. Any course load in excess of eighteen 18 semester hours must be approved by the appropriate campus academic dean prior to registration.

Grade Symbols The grading system and grade symbols used at PHILLY-TECH are as follows:

A 90 – 100 Excellent
B 80 – 89 Good
C 70 – 79 Satisfactory
D 60 — 69 Unsatisfactory
F 0 — 59 Failing
WF — Withdrawal

Any grade below a 70 (C) will not count for course completion, diploma or degree completion, or certificate completion.

The following symbols are used in the cases indicated, but will not be included in the determination of the grade point average: Withdrawn Indicates That a student initiated a withdrawal before the mid-point and was permitted to withdraw from the course without penalty. Indicates That a student has satisfactorily completed a substantial portion of the course work, but for non academic reasons beyond his or her control was not able to complete some specific part or amount of the work required. An incomplete I not satisfactorily removed by the end of the following semester will automatically be changed to an F.

The time allowed for completing work may be extended to a maximum of six months when circumstances prevent the student from completing the work during the following semester. To obtain an I the student and their instructor must complete the Petition for incomplete which will include a description of the work to be completed and the completion date. Copies of the Petition for incompleteness will be filed with the instructor and with the appropriate School staff.

S Satisfactory Indicates that a non graded course was satisfactorily completed Continuing Education courses only.
Unsatisfactory U indicates a non-graded course was not satisfactorily completed continuing education courses only.

AC Articulated Credit Indicates credit earned through articulation.

AU Audit Indicates that a course was audited. No credit is given.

EX Credit by Exam Indicates a credit by school examination.

TR Transfer Indicates that transfer credit was awarded for a course at another college. A Learning Support grade is not counted in a student’s earned hours or cumulative grade point average. Grades of IP, S, and U are awarded to Continuing Education courses only.

PHILLY-TECH instructs and evaluates students on work ethics in designated courses in each of the academic programs, excluding Arts and Sciences. Ten work ethics traits have been identified and defined as essential for student success: appearance, attitude, character, communication, cooperation, organizational skills, productivity, respect, and teamwork.

Students who are admitted on Probation must earn a grade point average of at least 2.0 during the first semester enrolled. Transfer Students who are on academic suspension from their former institution are considered for admission on the same basis as suspended students from PHILLY-TECH who apply for readmission.

PHILLY-TECH holds multiple formal graduation exercises each year following. Degrees, diplomas and certificates are, however, granted each semester. Students completing either the diploma or associate degree or technical certificate of credit in semesters may elect to participate in the formal graduation exercise. Final responsibility for meeting graduation requirements rests with the student.

The Catalog is the document used for graduation evaluation. A student may select to be evaluated for graduation from any Catalog in effect during the time of enrollment provided the enrollment has been continuous.

A student must not have an absence of one (1) full year from PHILLY-TECH. Students readmitted or reinstated will be evaluated for graduation from that year’s Catalog in effect at the time of readmission or reinstatement. All other academic procedures and graduation requirements must be satisfied according to regulations in effect at the time of graduation. Students desiring further information on the selection of appropriate information may contact the Registrar.

After graduating, a student who plans to continue their education with PHILLY-TECH must declare a new major by submitting a new application for admission prior to the application deadline.

The following requirements for graduation must be met by all students regardless of the degree, diploma, or technical certificate:
• Students must be currently enrolled when applying for graduation.
• Students must earn an overall grade point average of 2.0 (C) or better on courses presented for graduation. Students in the Health and Professional Services programs have a special responsibility regarding grades in their programs. Graduation in any Health and Professional Services program, students must make a minimum passing grade of “C” in all required courses in the curriculum, including Arts and Sciences courses.
• When applying for graduation, students must be currently enrolled in the program in which they plan to receive their diploma or degree.
• Students must complete an application for graduation in the program of study in which they plan to graduate by the established deadlines.
• Students must meet or exceed the total credit hours required for the program of study. Students must complete at least 25 percent of the course work for degrees and diplomas and at least 50 percent of the course work for certificates at PHILLY-TECH. Students may earn up to 23 hours of credit by examination towards diplomas and degrees. Students should be registered at PHILLY-TECH at the time of completing the work.
• Students must complete electives as required by the program of study.
• Students must settle all financial obligations to PHILLY- TECH before a degree, diploma, certificate, or transcript will be issued.
• Graduates seeking a second degree, diploma, or certificate from PHILLY-TECH College must complete all requirements for the second degree, diploma, or certificate. Courses may be applied a second time for the additional award.
• By registering for a course for which the student has already received credit at PHILLY-TECH, a student forfeits the previous credit in that course for graduation purposes. The student’s official grade in the course will be the one earned on repetition. Although both grades remain on the record and are part of the cumulative grade point average, only the final attempt will be calculated for the purpose of graduation requirements.

Students who graduate Students who graduate from PHILLY-TECH and excel in their coursework are recognized at graduation. At least 70 percent of all credit must be earned at PHILLY-TECH to receive consideration for honors. The following grade point averages will be used in the selection of students who receive honors recognition:

3.50 – 3.84 Graduation with honors
3.85 – 3.94 Graduation with excellence honors
3.95 – 4.00 Graduation with gold honors

Students Must Maintain an overall GPA of 2.0 to remain eligible for continued enrollment in his/her chosen program of study. Some of the programs may require prerequisite courses that must be completed prior to starting the course or the program. The student who fails or withdraws from any course must repeat the course.

Contact Students Support Office


Failure or withdrawal twice from the same course or failure or withdrawal from any two-program courses results in expulsion from the program. Students with two failed attempts in any one program, either by course failure or withdrawal, are not eligible to re-enter that program; the learner may apply to another program.

Certain programs such health, State or federal organizations may require the following:

• Criminal background check
• Drug screens
• Fingerprint check
• Immunizations
• TB skin test
• Hepatitis B vaccine

A criminal record or fingerprint records may prevent a student from placement in an internship or application, or clinical site for instructional purposes. This may result in a student’s inability to complete the program of study.


  1. Please contact faculty advisors for additional information. Follow College policy and make sure you talk to an advisor concerning any program or about any transfer courses.
  2. Certain Programs or Technical Courses such as computer science, Artificial Intelligence and Communication and Digital Technologies, Cantum Science and nano Technology must be repeated if they are older than one years at the time of the application to PHILLY-TECH.
  3. Clinical Laboratory Technology: Biology, Chemistry must be evaluated if it is seven years or older at the time of admission to PHILLY-TECH.
  4. The Early Childhood Care and Education program maintains articulation agreements for transfer of credit to several 4-year Bachelor Degree Colleges, learners are required to maintain a C or better in all courses.
  5. Learners may be required to take the Test of Essential Aptitude Skills (TEAS) which includes English, reading, and math, for admission. There is no repeat on the number of years in the general education programs.
  6. Paralegal Studies programs are required to have at least 25 percent of the legal specialty courses required for award of the degree or certificate at PHILLY-TECH. In addition, each student must complete a minimum of 10 percent legal specialty courses.
  7. Additional help, learners are required to meet with the instructor if he or she thinks it is necessary. It is the learner’s responsibility to make the appropriate arrangements upon receiving approval.